
Day Care Surgery

“We put you back in action the same day”

Mid City Hospital day care surgery centre is among the first facility of its kind in private sector that has pioneered the day care surgical services in the city. A team of highly trained surgeons, anesthetist and paramedical staff ensure to perform these surgeries with safety and excellent results to the utmost satisfaction of the patients.

What does day care surgery means?
Day care surgery means that patient is hospitalized for few hours during which surgery is performed and the patient is discharged on the same day.

In day care surgery specialized anesthesia and surgical techniques are applied in order to minimize the pain during and after the surgery that enable the patient to be discharged in a comfortable, safe and satisfactory condition. This also helps the patient to recover rapidly. In this way patient is able to return back to his normal activity much early as compared to the conventional surgery.

Advantages of Day Care Surgery
Day care surgery has many advantages over conventional surgery that requires prolonged hospitalization

Patient experiences less pain due to special anesthesia technique
Early mobilization
Early return to normal environment
Minimal disruption of patient’s personal life
Easier domestic arrangements
Less loss of time at work
Less psychological disturbances in children
Reduced risk of cross-infection at hospitals
Reduced cost of surgery compared to conventional surgery
Which are the conditions in which day care surgery is performed?
Hernia Repair
Inguinal Hernia Repair Conventional Surgery
Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Stappled Hemorhoidectomy
Skin Lesions
Excision of Lipoma/Sebaceous/Papilomas
Breast Lump Excision
Anal Fissure (Sphincterotomy)
Perianal Fistula Excision
Perianal Abscess Drainage
Pilonidal sinus excision
Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Protocol of a Day Care Surgery Procedure
A thorough check-up and investigation of the ailment, fixing of date and time of the operation.
Patient formally admitted to day care unit on the specified date.
Patient preparation.
Anesthesia administration followed by Surgery Recovery from anesthesia and observation in the hospital.
Post-operative examination and briefing.
Discharge from the hospital on the same day.
Cost of Day care surgery
Mid City Hospital offers to its patients special packages that are affordable to all patients. The cost of the day care surgery is significantly reduced because of the reduced hospital stay. There is approximately 50-30% reduction in the cost of procedure performed in a day care setting.

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