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It is usually expected from a couple to produce a baby as soon as possible after marriage and if this does not happen, the couple has to face many questions and interrogations to which they do not have any answer. Their frustration increase as they realize that things are not in their control.
Their hopes build up every month and when nothing happens they are shattered down. They ride through this emotional rolle4r coaster every month till their nerves come to a breaking point. Women are generally more affected by the social stigma being childless then men and thus they are the ones who suffer the most.
With its state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge technologies, and a team of highly skilled professionals, the IVF Center has earned its reputation as one of the leading centers for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
Obstetrician ” Gynaecologist,
IVF & ICSI Consultant
ART Consultant
The couple should go together to see the expert as there are many things that need to be discussed. The couple is interviewed in detail about their reproductive and health history to identify possible reasons for the causes of their infertility
The details of any previous test (investigations) or prior treatment are review3ed in detail, this aid in planning future management. A full general physical examination is performed.The normal process of reproduction is explained to the patients so that they can grasp and understand the purpose of different steps taken.
Relevant initial test are ordered which are usually; semen analysis, Ultrasound scan, and few blood test. These test will tell us if the problem lies in ovulation (egg formation) or sperm production or is there any other pathology in the ovary or uterus (womb).
The result of previous test are discussed. Fe more advanced test might be required like laparoscopy, to look inside tummy of the female by camera, under general anesthesia. This will give full information about the fallopian tubes (ovi ducts) which are very important and crucial organs fore pregnancy to occur. If the husband’s semen shows no sperm then he will need few more specific test to find out if he is producing sperms inside the testicles or not.
If a certain cause of sub fertility is identified, the treatment is directed accordingly. It is a proven fact that 30% of the time the problem lies within the male and 30% of the time there is a female factor responsible. While 30% of the time there is both male and female factors leading to sub fertility and in the remaining 10% of case the cause is unknown (unexplained infertility). After determining the source of the problem, different treatment options are discussed with the patient.