Clinical Departments

Mid City Hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties and services. Our clinicians, nurses and allied health professionals practice multi-disciplinary and team-based care, to treat our patients holistically. Our clinical specialties include:

  • Neurosurgery

    Mid City Hospital is the state of the art hospital regarding Neurosurgery. It has...
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology

    Mid City Hospital is the state of the art hospital regarding Obstetrics & Gynaecology...
  • Saqib Fertility & IVF...

    A child is one of the most beautiful gift of God. It is a...
  • Paediatrics

    The pediatric department at Midcity Hospital provides outpatient care to all children from newborn...
  • General & Laparoscopic Surgery

    Mid City hospital is equipped with latest state of the art laparoscopic surgery equipment...
  • Nephrology & Dialysis

    The Department of Nephrology at Midcity Hospital provide a complete range of consultative, diagnostic...
  • Urology

    Emergency Services We provide 24 hours round the clock emergency services in hospital for...
  • Oncology

    Hematology is the study of blood in health and disease. It includes problems with...
  • Ophthalmology

    The Department of Opthalmology at Midcity Hospital offers state-of-the-art and comprehensive services for patients...
  • Orthopaedic

    Midcity Hospital Orthopaedic and Spine Center provides a comprehensive program for patients who experience...
  • Dental Surgery

    A genuine smile of appreciation reflecting a patient’s gratitude and happiness is invariably the...
  • Cardiology

    The Cardiology Department at Midcity Hospital offers a full spectrum of specialty services for...
  • Psychiatry

    Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of...
  • Dermatology

    Dermatology specializes in the largest organ in the human body – the skin. We...
  • ENT

    At Midcity Hospital our Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultants provide a variety of...
  • Neurology

    The Neurology department at Midcity Hospital is trained to investigate, or diagnose and treat...
  • Pulmonology

    Pulmonology is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. Pulmonology...
  • Gastroenterology & Physican

    Gastroenterologists at Midcity Hospital specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of...
  • Labour Delivery Room (LDR)

    Labor Delivery Room (LDR) is a new concept facility, available only in Midcity Hospital...
  • Emergency Care

    The Emergency Department at Midcity Hospital and Medical Center provides care to patients with...
  • Nursery

    In Midcity Hospital Babies are admitted to a special care nursery (SCN) when they...
  • OPD’s

    Department (OPD) at Midcity Hospital is among those seeking expert opinion and medical treatment...
  • Pathology

    Pathology is a branch of medical science that involves the study and diagnosis of...
  • Day Care Surgery

    “We put you back in action the same day” Mid City Hospital day care...
  • Obesity Surgery

    At Mid City Hospital we offer a truly comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to your...
  • Breast Surgery

    Breasts are the major identity of the female gender and are important determinants of...
  • Plastic Surgery

    The Plastic Surgery Department at Midcity Hospital and Medical Center was launched in 2008....
  • General Medicine

    Internal medicine or general internal medicine is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention,...
  • Ultrasound (Radiology Section)

    Midcity Hospital recognizes the importance of offering the most advanced radiology services available. Imaging...
  • Blood Bank

    At Midcity Hospital Blood Bank Services are available blood is tested though our qualified...
  • Anesthesia

    Anaesthesia & Pain Clinic Gen. Anaesthesia Spinal Epidural Pudendal block Neonate & Paediatric Anaesthesia...